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Newsletter, May 20, 2021

Dear parents and members of Reddingsbrigade Amstelveen,

Last Monday, May 17, we received some better news, the rules for indoor sports have been expanded. This means that from Saturday, May 22 all members up to 17 years old are welcome to swim again.

On July 3, the exams for the ABC diplomas. Soon the exam papers will be handed out. The exams for swimming rescue will be scheduled after the summer break.

More members are allowed in, so it's even more important to follow the protocol. Remember to quickly remove shoes and socks at the benches, then walk towards the pool as quickly as possible where the rest of the clothing can be removed. This ensures that there is no congestion and everyone can swim as long as possible. All rules and regulations are listed in the protocol that is attached.

Of course you will be compensated again for the missed lessons up to and including May 15. In the third quarter 25,11 will be deducted, so €4,89 will be collected in the third quarter.

Please note! The past period the members who swim for the swimming ABC had a separate weekly collection. This collection stops and the normal 'quarterly swimming' collection will start again.


26-06-2021 Last swimming lesson before the swim-off.

03-07-2021 Graduation for diploma A, B, C. Only swimming for those who have received an exam letter. For all other groups there is no swimming.

28-08-2021 Start swimming lessons

Kind regards,

On behalf of the board of Reddingsbrigade Amstelveen,

Ton Bakker, chairman


Adjustments ABC swimming RBA in connection with Corona 17 May 2021 members (in Dutch)


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